For a romantic getaway to South Moravia

Imagine a picnic and overnight stay amidst rows of vineyards, a Mediterranean atmosphere, and a glass of sparkling wine in your hand. Pack your good mood, your sense of adventure, and your taste buds, we're heading south!

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Day One

If your journey takes you through Brno, stock up beforehand at Ráječek Farm. Here, you can buy fresh local vegetables, fruits, and other farm goodies. Then it's onwards to the seductive silhouette of the Pálava Hills! On the outskirts of Pavlov, right at the site of a prehistoric settlement, the architecturally unique Archeopark was created. Absorb the spirit of the modern structure under the watchful eye of the Dívčí Hrady Castle and then immerse yourself in the past. The exhibition will entertain both young and old. If you feel hungry or in need of caffeine during the tour, you'll find Karbar, a stylish fresh bar on wheels, at the entrance during the season.

South Moravia wouldn't be complete without wine, that's for sure! Reisten Winerie at the foot of Pálava will introduce you to their philosophy based on respect for nature and meticulous work in the vineyard. Travelling by camper van? Park overnight right in the middle of the vineyards; it will be an unforgettable experience.

Day Two

You'll arrive in Mikulov, where on its northern outskirts awaits Turold - a seven-storey cave with an emerald lake, which our ancestors discovered as a refuge back in the Stone Age. Have lunch at Restaurant Šílová with its enchanting garden. The menu changes according to the season and is always composed of fresh local ingredients.

Feeling energized? That's great. Now, hop on your pedals and explore the surroundings of Mikulov, which, like the town itself, offers many interesting places.

Back in the Mediterranean-flavored town, it would be a sin to miss Korek at the corner. Here, you'll taste the best from the winemakers of Dunajovské Kopce (Hills) and if you remember in time, they'll prepare a picnic basket full of goodies for you on request. Take it with you to the hills above Dolní Dunajovice and enjoy a romantic dinner with a glass of wine, watching the sunset and the unconventional views of Mikulov.

Day Three

Park in Lednice if you have a mobile home with you, we recommend the new Stellplatz at Annovino winery for overnight stays. But then, exchange the wheels for water surface. A boat trip along the Castle Dyje is a wonderful experience. It will take you to the Minaret or even to John's Castle (Janův Hrad) in the meander of the Old Dyje. Along the way, you'll see the consequences of beavers' sharp teeth and may even catch a glimpse of the rare kingfisher. John's Castle may look like a ruin, but it won't deceive you! The magnificent structure simply resonates with romance.

Back in Lednice, have lunch at Pedro foodtruck. Bold flavors and meticulous preparation – here, they don't skimp on quantity or quality! And where to go for coffee and a cup? The answer is: Knoll.

You never have to go far from Lednice to come across another interesting structure. Choose, for example, the Temple of Apollo, where you can comfortably park even with a camper van. Enjoy a walk along the shore of Mlýnský Pond and continue to Valtice. There awaits something special.

Do you know where you can get a taste of fine wine in a labyrinth? In the Valtice Underground! Such a tour of the catacombs will be a welcome relief on a hot summer day! Enjoy the sunset best at the Reistna Colonnade.

Day Four

Don't leave Valtice without taking a stroll through the castle park, where a fragrant herb garden beckons visitors on its edge. For coffee and a treat, seek shelter under the trees in the courtyard of Café Hostina.

On the way from Valtice to Břeclav, the floodplain forests hide another romantic structure: Rendez-vous, also known as Diana's Temple. An Empire beauty that is a distant relative of the Parisian Arc de Triomphe.

If you're heading out on a camper van trip, we're adding overnight stay tips: Vinařství Reisten Pavlov, Camping Mikulov, Vinařský Stellplatz Annovino.


Click on the trip route to ensure you don't miss any tips while exploring South Moravia.

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