Festivals full of flavours

There will be feasting in South Moravia in summer! Looking for tips for a gastronomic trip from Brno with or without children? Are you from Miroslav, Letovice, Veselí and the surrounding area? Come to a day-long festival dedicated to regional food and drink, music and other programs are not missing.

with a taste for the festival

The basis for an honest goulash is onions, for a trio of culinary festivals it's a gastroshow! But don't expect sushi, gnocchi or quesadillas - the specialty this time will be regional ingredients from local producers, from which local restaurants will conjure up Moravian delicacies. 

You'll get to know the people behind your favourite regional brands and products, and you'll probably discover some new treasures. Meats, cheeses, cured meats, coffee from local roasters, brandies, jams... You might win some of them in prize competitions. What about wine tasting? Of course there will be. Those who prefer beer will taste the work of brewers from local microbreweries. 

In addition to the cookery show, there will be humorous culinary competitions, bands will play, and children will have fun not only in craft workshops. Each town has prepared a completely different menu, so check out their programmes a few lines down. Will you have just the main course or will you enjoy a rock concert, VIDA!show and try to eat beer with a spoon?

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